Tuesday, July 15, 2008

updates on cp

heres what billybob said:Hello Penguins!
Great news!! The features have launched! Thanks to all of you for your help, patience and involvement in this project!
Be sure to let us know what you like and even what you think should be changed.
I'm really excited about Penguin Mail and wanted to remind everyone to check their mailboxes as soon as they have the chance. You can view your mailbox by clicking the envelope on the top left of your screen. And be sure to check it often because now buddies can send you mail even when you're not online which means you'll probably have mail waiting for you!! Plus you never know who you might get a postcard from! Here's a quick list of features to look for:
Server selection (this one you'll notice when you're logging into Club Penguin!)
Penguin Mail (click the envelope on the top left screen to try it out)
Player Card redesign (check out the sorting function!)
Igloo background (This one just looks really cool!)
There's a lot of smaller stuff too--can you find some of it? I'll post a more detailed list later this week!
As with anything new like this, there will probably be some bugs and as always, the team will not stop working on it until they're all squashed.
A couple quick notes:
Your penguin name and password will need to be re-entered when you login for the first time with the new features. If you can't remember your password, just click the Forgot Password link below the login. A new password will be sent to the email you used to create your penguin account.
You need to have Flash Player 9 installed on your computer in order to play Club Penguin.
As always, let us know what you think!
Until then... waddle on!

cheats for empire earth 2 expansion

press enter then type "icheat" and press enter again,then do the same with these codes:sea monkeys,play god,loot,toogle fog and epoch up.sea monkeys:build instantly.play god:invincibility and every think is free.loot:10,000 of each resource.toggle fog:turns off/on fog o war.epoch up:level up 1 epoch.if u know any more post them,thanks.i hope this helps!